Mecker Research Library

The Mecker Research Library was founded in 1994 through the generosity of Thomas Weil and Charles Peterson. Their goal was to provide a central location for materials concerning the historic Ste. Genevieve District and surrounding region. The district contains some of the pre-eminent French Colonial build- ings left in America and has been under French, Spanish, and American rule. It has a truly remarkable history, one of interest to scholars, historians, students, and the public.
The Library is named after Bob and Odile Mecker, generous patrons of the Foundation for Restoration of Ste. Genevieve and the Library which bears their name.
The Library's Mission
To acquire books and other materials pertaining to the history of the Ste. Genevieve District and surrounding region.
To provide centralized resources to researchers studying French American Colonial History, the Ste. Genevieve District, and the mid–Mississippi Valley region.
To develop educational programs and grants that promote historical in- terest and knowledge of the Ste. Genevieve District.
To provide indexes of related historic written materials available at public institutions in the region.
To identify private sources of information which are helpful to persons researching the history of the region.
YOU can Help the Mecker Research Library
The Mecker Research Library accepts books and other materials applicable to the mission of the library. Donations are tax deductible as the Library is part of the Foundation for Restoration of Ste. Genevieve, a registered 501(c)3 non-profit organization.
To donate materials, please contact the Library office at 573-883-9622 for ad- ditional instructions. A copy of the Library’s Donation Policy will be furnished on request.
Monetary donations to support the mission of the Mecker Research Library are also accepted and greatly appreciated. Please send monetary donations to:
The Foundation for Restoration of Ste. Genevieve
Mecker Research Library
PO Box 88
Ste. Genevieve, MO 63670
Please make checks payable to the Foundation and indicate in the transmittal letter that the donation is for the Mecker Library.
Only loose leaf papers, pencils, and laptops are permitted in the library re- search area
A photo identification is required
Minors should be accompanied by an adult
Please NOTE! This is a non-circulating library.
Call 573-883-9622 to make an appointment.
Location: 198 South 2nd Street
Ste. Genevieve, MO 63670
Email: and put "Mecker Library" in the subject line.