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Foundation for Restoration Scholarship


Application for this scholarship is available to any graduating student from Ste. Genevieve Public High School, Valle High School, Hope School, or Home School Student who is graduating in the spring of the year and who intends to pursue a degree in history, anthropology, archeology, or historic preservation. Only applicants that plan to pursue one of these four areas of interest will be considered. If no applications are received that meet the guidelines, no scholarship will be awarded that year.


The amount to be awarded is $500.00.


Applications must be submitted to the Foundation for Restoration of Ste. Genevieve no later than April 15 of each calendar year.


Applicants must submit the information on the attached form and the application must be approved by the School Counselor

The Foundation for Restoration of Ste. Genevieve will select the annual recipient of the scholarship.


The Foundation shall use the following criteria for selection:


  • ​The applicant must have been accepted at a college or university, and intend to pursue a degree in history, anthropology, archeology, or historic preservation.

  • Selection criteria in order of importance

    1. Financial need​

    2. Demonstrated school and community involvement activities

    3. Grade point and SAT or ACT score


Should the successful applicant not attend a college or university as required, the Foundation for Restoration of Ste. Genevieve may award the scholarship to another applicant.


Scholarship funds for the selected applicant will be dispersed by the Community Foundation of the Ozarks directly to the awardee’s selected college or university. One half of the awarded amount will be dispersed the first semester and the other half the second semester. The awardee will be required to fill out some paperwork and send it to the Community Foundation of the Ozarks.


Click on the button below to print out the application form (2 pages).  Remember to type your responses on the form.



Scholarship Application

Foundation for Restoration

of Ste. Genevieve

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