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Foundation's Educational Research Award


Applicant Information:


Name: _____________________________________


Address:    __________________________________




Phone Number: ______________________________


Email:      ___________________________________                                               



Title of Book  ____________________________________


Date first Published _______________________



Describe how this book relates to the Ste. Genevieve District in the State of Missouri





(Use additional pages if necessary)


Other Information


Are you from or have you resided in Ste. Genevieve County?  _____ Yes   _____ No


Do you have parents or grandparents who reside or have resided in Ste. Genevieve County?      ______ Yes    _____ No


What are their names?  _________________________________________________




Please attach your curriculum vitae.


Condition of Acceptance


As a condition of accepting the award, do you agree to furnish one copy of the book to the Foundation’s Mecker Research Library?     ______ Yes    ______ No


Mail completed application to:


The Foundation for Restoration of Ste. Genevieve

Educational Research Award

P. O. Box 88

Ste. Genevieve, MO 63670


Applications must be postmarked no later than September 30th

Book Research Award Application
Educational Research Award Application

The Foundation for Restoration of Ste. Genevieve


Educational Research Award




Applicant Information:


Name: _____________________________________


Address:    __________________________________




Phone Number: ______________________________


Email:      ___________________________________                                               


University or College; ________________________________________


Degree being pursued: ________________________________________


Anticipated Date of Degree Award: ______________________________


Faculty Advisor:  ____________________________________________


Title of Thesis, Dissertation, Special Project or Book:  ________________________________________________________________________




Describe how this thesis, dissertation, project or book relates to the Ste. Genevieve District in the State of Missouri





(Use additional pages if necessary)

If book, Date of Publication: _____________________


Other Information


Are you from or have you resided in Ste. Genevieve County?  _____ Yes   _____ No


Do you have parents or grandparents who reside or have resided in Ste. Genevieve County?      ______ Yes    _____ No


What are their names?  _________________________________________________




Please attach your curriculum vitae.


Condition of Acceptance


As a condition of accepting the award, do you agree to furnish one copy of their thesis or dissertation to the Foundation’s Mecker Research Library?  If it is an advanced project, the exhibit or interpretive program will be furnished to the Foundation for use. If it is a historic structures survey, a copy of the survey will be furnished to the Foundation’s Mecker Research Library.   ______ Yes    ______ No



______________________________________          ________________

Signature of Applicant                                                 Date



______________________________________         _________________

Signature of Faculty Advisor                                     Date


Mail completed application to:


The Foundation for Restoration of Ste. Genevieve

Educational Research Award

P. O. Box 88

Ste. Genevieve, MO63670


Applications must be postmarked no later than September 30th each year










Educational Research Award


The Foundation for Restoration of Ste. Genevieve promotes scholarly historical study and publication of related books as means to communicate knowledge of the early settlement of Ste. Genevieve and the people who settled the region. As such, the Foundation offers an annual Educational Research Award for scholarly works of this nature.




Amount of Award:  The award will typically be $1000 annually. However, the Foundation for Restoration of Ste. Genevieve reserves the right to limit the amount in a given year based on the availability of funds.


Eligibility:  Masters and Doctorial candidates of any nationality from all academic disciplines who will be or is writing a thesis, conducting an advanced project (see following definition) or dissertation related to the Ste. Genevieve District. An advanced project might be creating an exhibit, an interpretive program, or a historic structures report.  Persons writing a book or having published a book within the last two years on the area are also eligible.


The award is a one time reward for Masters applicants.  At the discretion of the Foundation and the Selection Committee, a second award in a subsequent year may be made to those applicants writing a doctoral dissertation. Typically, the Foundation will only grant one award in a given year. However, at the discretion of the Foundation, more than one award may be made in a given year if additional funds (in increments of $1000) are available or if special funds can be raised for the specific purpose of granting more than one award.


Applicants who are from or have parents or grandparents living in Ste. Genevieve County will be given preference.


The successful recipient cannot be a member of the family of the selection committee members



Selection Calendar and Process:  Applicants will submit an application by September 30th on an annual basis. The application will describe their scholarly work and its relationship to the Ste. Genevieve District as well as the applicant’s curriculum vitae. The application form is attached.


Notification of the Award Winner: The winner will be invited to the annual Christmas meeting in the same year of selection for presentation of the award.  If they cannot attend, a suitable award date and method will be established.


Conditions of Award:  As a condition of accepting the award, the recipient agrees to furnish one copy of their thesis or dissertation to the Mecker Library.  If it is an advanced project, the exhibit or interpretive program will be furnished to the Foundation for use. If it is a historic structures survey, a copy of the survey will be furnished to the Foundation’s Mecker Research Library.



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